Tuesday, April 26, 2022

It Takes a Village

Let's Work Together: Education has a key role in helping achieve the  Sustainable Development Goals | UNESCO Bangkok

Synergy will be an essential tool for us to successfully complete this mission of ensuring mental health resources are being provided in every school. Collaboration between a variety of organizations will help us gather resources and share ideas on how we can most effectively find success with this project. The government has committed extra funds toward mental health, but this doesn’t ensure the staff and resources to fix the problem (Patel, 2021). We need to work together to ensure that this funding is seeing its way to schools and that the proper organizations are being used to support school resources.

Changing the way the education system handles mental health will change schooling to solve problems and improve the world. Fighting for a solution to this issue has brought an increase in funding, but there aren’t enough people employed to solve the crisis (Anderson & Cardoza, 2016). If we can come together, we can gather the needed organizations to get the professionals needed to train and work with school staff members.

To make this a movement instead of just an idea, the collaboration needs to come from a variety of organizations with different perspectives on possible solutions. Even if you aren’t in a related field, spreading awareness of this project could form connections with the right resources to help. Synergy is formed when we can all come together and share ideas to create the best solution for the work that needs to be done. 

In order to fix the issue regarding mental health resources, we will need a village to work towards the solution. We need to ensure that mental health resources are a part of every school, so we need to collaborate with resources to get the best results. Please share this blog with others that you know would provide great support so we can gather a variety of perspectives.


Anderson, M., & Cardoza, K. (2016, August 31). Mental health in schools: A hidden

        crisis affecting millions of students. NPR. Retrieved April 5, 2022, from



Patel, P., Harrison, A., Spotlight, Corcoran, M., & Patel, P. (2021, September 8). 

        How to fix the Mental Health Crisis. New Statesman. from


Media Source:

Global Education Monitoring Report Team (2019). Let's work together: education

        has a key role in helping achieve the Sustainable Development Goals. 

        Retrieved from https://unesdoc.unesco.org/ark:/48223/pf0000369006

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