Tuesday, May 3, 2022

Reflect and Resolve

May is Mental Health Month, while coronavirus pandemic raises anxiety

The mental health crisis in the world is proving the need for this to be better represented and supported in schools. Especially with the pandemic and young students losing the in-person school experience, a lot of students are feeling sad and unprepared to socialize (Allison, 2022). We need to take a step back and reflect on how this is impacting every student and how this project will demand change to solve this.

With this project, we will all value helping others and being inclusive with our reflections and perspectives for all collaborators. To make this the most effective approach to solving the mental health crisis in schools, everyone’s perspective and ideas will be utilized. Having quality resources in classrooms will prevent mental health issues and provide a treatment that will involve a lot of educating staff, parents, and students (Mental Health Gov, 2022).

Our current need is for many different perspectives to be shared with school officials to get them on board with this project. We will need to spread awareness to mental health agencies to get them on board to provide in-school help. Having a large group of advocates will help us reach the right people and have the support to be effective.

Reflecting on this project gives me hope that together we can stand up and use our vision to change the way mental health is supported in schools. This work and these advocacy efforts won’t stop now and will need to continue until every school has equal and appropriate mental health resources. Please do your part and reach out to school officials to share your perspective and demand change!


For educators. For Educators | MentalHealth.gov. (n.d.). Retrieved May 3, 2022, from


Megan Allison, K. A. T. U. S. (2022, May 3). Schools and health professionals look at

        New Solutions in youth mental health crisis. KATU. Retrieved May 3, 2022, from



Image source:

Tumiso (2020). Your mental health is just as important as your physical health. 

        Retrieved from: https://www.news-press.com/story/news/2020/05/30/may-



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Reflect and Resolve

The mental health crisis in the world is proving the need for this to be better represented and supported in schools. Especially with the pa...