Tuesday, April 19, 2022

Understanding and Being Understood


Understanding Mental Illness

The mental health crisis is affecting individuals across the world and needs a village of people to come together to heal it. The first important step is for us to understand the issue and then we can understand each other and the solution. Mental illness symptoms begin to show in early childhood so if they aren’t given help while they are young, the problems increase with age (School Safety, 2022).

Understanding the mental health issues that our world currently faces comes with many different perspectives. I think we can all agree that more can always be done to help one another and provide support. Many organizations and individuals have put their focus on breaking the stigma, while some put their focus on demanding accessible mental health care.

Though there has been an increase in conversation and support for mental health, these efforts need to be especially brought to schools. Organizations and individuals with influence need to demand this awareness and support is provided to young students and offer their resources to partner with schools. The cost of mental health care is far too much for the severity of the problem and we need to demand these services are accessible and provided in education (Patel, 2021). 

Completing the task of fixing the mental health crisis will be difficult, but starting by providing mental health resources in every school is a giant step. To make this a reality, we need to gather resources and demand a change throughout all schools. Please support my project by sharing with me your perspective on this issue and how you are feeling about this goal.


Mental health. SchoolSafety.gov. (n.d.). Retrieved April 18, 2022, from


Patel, P., Harrison, A., Spotlight, Corcoran, M., & Patel, P. (2021, September 8). 

        How to fix the Mental Health Crisis. New Statesman. from


Image source:

(2020). Understanding Mental Illness. Serendipity Group. 


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Reflect and Resolve

The mental health crisis in the world is proving the need for this to be better represented and supported in schools. Especially with the pa...