Wednesday, March 16, 2022

How can we ensure mental health is a topic in classrooms and that resources are being provided to each student, inside and outside of school?

Mental Health and School Safety - NAESP

In the US, 1 in 6 children has a mental health condition, and only half receive mental health services (NAMI Organization, n.d.); for this reason, schools should be required to have easily accessible mental health resources in school for all ages. Schools currently don't require teacher training or professional resources on campuses. This topic isn't prevalent in classrooms so young people often don't feel safe or comfortable reaching out for the help they need. This blog is dedicated to advocating for an increase in awareness and mental health resources being provided by schools.


Mental health in schools. NAMI. (n.d.). from




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Reflect and Resolve

The mental health crisis in the world is proving the need for this to be better represented and supported in schools. Especially with the pa...